1.The main circuit bord in a computer is called a…

  • RAM
  • CPU
  • Motherboard
  • All of the above

2. Which Characteristic of computer distinguish it from electronic Calculators?

(a) Accuracy

(b) Versatility

(C) Storage

    (d) Automatic

   3. Which of the following memory is non-volatile?



  • ROM
  • ALL Of the

4. Fifth Generation of computer was based on which      technology? 

(a) Artificial Intelligence

(b) Programming Intelligence-

(c) System Knowledge


5.Which one is not a type of memory?

  • ROM 
  • Cache
  • Joy-stick

6. The …… format is usually used to store data.

(a) BCD

(b) Decimal

(c) Hexadecimal    

(d) Octal

7. A widely used code is data communication is.

(a) 8-bit ASCII


(C) 7-bit ASCII

(d) None of these

8. ASCII stands for.

(a) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

(b) American Statistical Code for Information Interchange

(c) Alphabetic Series Code for Information Interchange

(d) Alphabetic Standard Code for Information Interchange

9. Hexadecimal numbers are a mixture of

(a) Octal and decimal numbers

(b) Binary and octal numbers

(c) Letters and decimal digits

(d) Binary and decimal numbers

10.Which of the following operating system does not implement multitasking truly?

  • Windows 98 
  • Ms Dos
  • Windows XP
  • Windows NT

11. Operating Systems for Mobile Phone and Tablets are.

(a) Windows OS 

(b) Android OS

(C) Ios

(d) All of Above

12. OS does not boot itself when a system is…      

  • Shutdown  
  • Reset  fjlsV
  • Powered on  
  • Restarted

13. Which of the following is an example of system software?

(a) Operating system

¼b) Loader 

(c) Linker

All of the above

14. What is the Default File Extension after (Dot) in Web files

(a) .gtml

(b) .html or .htm

(c) .com

(d) .xtml

15.  Which one of the following is used to make secure transaction during net banking.

  • OTP- one time password
  • Quick Result Code
  • Pin number
  • None of above

16.—is used for calculating and comparing.

(a) ALU

(b) Modem

(c) Control -Unit

(d) Disk- unit

17. Which one of the following is related to mobile payment service.

(a) BHIM

(b) UPI

(C) Both a & b

(d) None of above

18.  The set of processed data is called?

(a) Data

(b) Data Processing

(c) Database

(d) Information

19. All the following examples of real security and privacy threats except.

(a) Hackers

(b) Worm

(c) Spam

(d) Virus

20. — is the result produce by a computer.

(a) Data

(b) Memory

(c) Output

(d) Input

21. UNIVAC is ——

(a) Universal Automatic Computer

(b) Unvalued Automatic computer

(c) Unique Automatic Computer

(d) Universal Array Computer

22. IMB 1401 is

(a) First Generation Computer

(b) Second Generation Computer

(c) Third Generation Computer

(d) Fourth Generation Comp

23. Which of the following is a search engine?

(a) Bing & Yahoo

(b) Google

(c) Lycos

(d) All of the above

24. Aadhar is—

(a) 12 digit number card

(b) None of the options

(c) Both 12 digit number Card & Identity proof issued by UIDAI

(d)  Identity proof issued by UIDAI

25. is program designed to destroy data on your computer and “infect” other computer.

(a) ok

(b) Vks

(c) g

(d) fM

26.  To read an E- mail, you need to— with the E- Mail Service.

(a) Sign Up

(b) Register

(c) Sing In

(d) None of these

27. Following is the example of Toggle case.


(b) Toggle case

(C) toggle Case

(d) Toggle case

28.—- is a method of  exchanging digital messages usually over Internet or Network.

a) E- mail


c) Digital message

d) E- Data

29. In which menu change case commands appears.

a) Insert                   b) Slide show

c) Formate              d) Edit

30. When a hacker penetrates a network , this is a network….issue.

a) Reliability             b) security

c) Performance       d) none of above

31. What is the name of first super computer of India.

a) Sega 220              b) PARAM 10000

c) ENIAC                    d) PARAM 6000

32.AEPS stands for –

a) Aadhar Enabled Payment System

b) Aadhaar E- Payment System

c) Aadhaar Encashment Payment System

d) None of the above

33.USB  is which type of storage device?

a) Primary       b) Secondary

c) Tertiary       d) None of the above

34. Full form of SBI..

a) State Bank Of India

b) Stock bank of India

c) Bank of India

35. MIME stands for …..

a) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

b) Multipurpose International Mail Entity

c) Multipurpose Internet Mail Email

d) Multipurpose International Mail End

36. Which type of storage device is BIOS ?
a) Primary            b) Secondary

c) Tertiary             d) Not a storage device

37.Maximum amount of Cheque –

a) Rs.100 crore     b) No limit

c) Rs.1 crore          d) None of above

38. A small network making up the internet and also having a small number of computer within it is called ……

a) gksLV                       b) ,M«sal  

c) lCk  Mksesu            d) dqN ugh          

39. UPI is an …… payment service?

 a)  Offline                  b) Mobile

c) Cash payment       d) online

40.A host on the Internet find another host by its.

(a) mlds     (b) bys

¼c) vkb       (d) dksbZ ugh

41. Extensions  of power point.

(a) *txt             (b) *rtf

(c) *.ppt           (d) None

42. Choose the maximum zoom out of Ms word.

(a) 10%            (b) 50%

(c) 500%         (d) None

43. KYC  means ….

(a) know your customer

(b) know your customer

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above

44. Out of the Calc expressions is =500/10/2.

(a) 25                   (b) 50

(c) 10                    (d) 200

45. QR code stand for.

(a) Quick Restore Code.

(b) Quick Result code.

(c) Quick Response code.

(d) None of the above.

46.  AEPS Stands for…

(a) Aadhar Enable Payment System.

(b) Aadhar Enable Payment System.

(c) Aadhar Encashment Payment System.

(d) None of above.

47. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in Ms- Word.

(a) Down Cursur Key

(b) Ctrl + Enter

(c) Shift + Enter

(d) Enter key

48. Shortcut key used for line break in Word.

(a) Shift + Enter             (b) Shift + Alt

(c) Ctrl + Esc                    (d) Alt +Esc

49. Which function key is used for spelling & Grammer in the Ms word document.

(a) F7                               (b) Shift + F7

(c) Ctrl + F7                      (d) None of these

50. Which is the type of page  orientation.

(a) Portrait                     (b) Landscape

(c) Both a&b                  (d) Slide

51. Number of Rows in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet?

(a) 1,048,576                 (b) 256

(c) 2,048,571                  (d) 1111

52. Shortcut key used for help.

(a) Ctrl + F1                    (b) Ctrl + F2

(c) F1                              (d) F7

53. What will result from adding A1+A2 to Calc?

(a) ###                              (b) 5

(c) 1                                   (d) 0

54. Calc formula will start form which of the following symbol…..

(a) @                           (b) =

(c) #                             (d) &

55. Key used to Print a document in LibreOffice Calc.

(a) Ctrl +P                 (b) Ctrl +T

(C) Ctrl +F1               (d) Ctrl +O

56. To move to the previous worksheet, press.

(a) Alt + PgUP                (b) Ctrl + Shift +PgUP

(c) Shift+ Tab                  (d) Ctrl+PgUP

57. In Excel the intersection of a row and column is called.

(a) Square                       (b) cubicle

(c) Cell                              (d) worksheet.

58. Which command is used to select the last cell on the worksheet?

(a) Shift+ End                 (b) Alt+ Ctrl+ End

(c) ALT+ END                   (d) Ctrl+ END

59. Which key is used to insert a new worksheet.

(a) Shift+ F11                 (b) Shift +Alt +F1

(c) ALT+F1                       (d) Ctrl+F12

60. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?

(a) Visual basic              (b) C

(c) Visual c++                  (d) Java

61. The combination of the column letter and row number for a cell in an Excel work sheet is called.

(a) Cell                             (b) Cell identification number

(c) Cell Reference          (d) Cell identification

62. In Excel charts are created using which option?

(a) Chart wizard            (b) Pie Chart

(c) Bar Chart                   (d) None of these

63. The following is not a valid Cell Address.

(a)  Sheet1!A1:c1          (b) Sheet1,1BC10

(c) Sheet2!HH77           (d) Sheet3!DF6780

64. You can edit existing Excel data by pressing the.

(a) F1 key                         (b) F3 key

(c) F4 key                         (d) F2 key

65. Output of the excel expression is=64/8/2.

(a) 4                                  (b) 16

(c) 10                              (d) 12

66.if cells A1 and A2 are empty , what will be the value of the following Excel formula ?


(a) 1                                (b) Name ? Error

(c) 0                                 (d) Value! Error

67. Which of the following is not valid function in MS Excel ?

(a) SUM ()                        (b)COUNT()

(c) SUBTRCT()                  (d)COUNTA()

68. Which of the following is used to move an active cell to the first column on the current row?

(a) Page up                         (b) ctrl + Home

(c) Page down                    (d) Home

69. ———–in Microsoft Excel always begins with an equal to sign (=).

(a)Number                           (b) Text

(c)Formula                            (d) Tables

70. In MS Excel , to add numeric values in column D, from rows D10 to D15, the formula that should be used is:

(a)SUM(D10, D15)                 (b) COUNT(D10,D15)

(c) =SUM(D10:D15)               (d) Option 1 and 3 are correct

71. In Microsoft word, the word document orientation is set……… by default.

(a) Printview                           (b) North

(c) Portrait                               (d) Landscape

72. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to open the ‘Font’ dialog box in MS Word?

(a) Ctrl + T                                (b) Ctrl + F

(C) Ctrl + D                               (d) Alt + T

73. Eena khanda is creating her project report as a document and is interested in typing the same in an easy -to -use software with facility of formatting, page setting and styling features. Which out of the following software will be ideal for the same?

(a) Notepad                             (b) Calc

(c) Acrobat Reader                (d) MS Word

74. Which of the following is the shortcut key to open a ‘New Blank’ document in MS -Word?

(a) CTRL + B                             (b) CTRL + N

(C) CTRL +O                             (d) CTRL + O +N

75. By default ,MS -Power -point 365 presentations are saved with which of the following

(a) .xps                                      (b) .pptm

(c) .pptx                                    (d) .ppt

76. In MS -Power point, Normal view displays slide thumbnails on the —— side of the screen.

(a) center                                 (b) bottom

(c) left                                       (d) right

77. In MS Power point 2016, on the ——– menu, the ——-group contains commands for formatting text in your document.

(a) Home; Font                      (b) View; Font

(c) Review; Paragraph          (d) Home; Style

78. In MS- PowerPoint, what is the shortcut key you can press to start the presentation from the first slide?

(a) Alt + F5                               (b) Ctrl + p

(c) F5                                         (d) Alt + Tab

79. In power point, Themes could be found under –

(a) Transition tab                   (b) Design tab

(c) Insert tab                           (d) Animation tab

80. What is the keyboard shortcut to perform ‘Redo’ operation in MS-PowerPoint?

(a) Ctrl + R                               (b) Ctrl + Z

(C) Ctrl + Y                               (d) Alt + R

81. In MS PowerPoint, key used to run the Slide show from the beginning is –

(a) F11                                      (b) F5

(c) F7                                         (d) Shift + F5

82. Which of the following is not one of the PowerPoint’s View?

(a) Outline View                    (b) Slide Sorter View

(c) Presentation View          (d) Slide show View

83. Which tool is used to record a presentation screen to demonstrate a process as part of a PowerPoint Presentation?

(a) Screen Recording            (b) Slide recording

(c) Video Recording              (d) Presentation recording

84.  The interconnection of networks all across the world is known as .

(a) Communication              (b) Internet

(c) Web page                          (d) Ethernet

85. The origin of the internet was developed from the concept of.

 (a) Microsoft                         (b) IBM

(C) ARPANET                           (d) Web

86. In 1969, ARPANET was developed by which country?

(a) France                                (b) England

(c) USA                                      (d) Russia

87. What is the full from of internet?

(a) InterContinental Network

(b) Internal Network

(c) Interconnected Network

(d) International NetworkW

88. What is the major use of internet?

(a) Sharing data and information

(b) Browsing webpages

(c) Social networking

(d) All of the above

89. The transmission of a file to our computer from the internet is called.

(a) uploading                          (b) downloading

(c) receiving file                     (d) saving

90. What is the full form of HTML?

(a) High Transfer Machine Language

(b) High Transmission Markup Language

(c) Hyper Text Markup Language

(d) Hypermedia Markup Language

91. Inventor of www (World wide web) is…….

(a) Bill Gates                           (b) Lee. N. Feyong

(C) Tim Berners Lee              (d) Torm Berners Lee                                                                                                                       

92. What is the last row number in Excel?

(a) 10,48576                           (b) 10,48580

(c)10,48585                            (d) None

93. What is the last column in Excel?

(a KLM                                      (b) XFD

(C) FXD                                      (d) XYZ

94. What is extension of notepad

(a) *.txt                                    (b) *.rtf

(c) *.ods                                   (d) None

95. How many max. amount is transacted by UPI

(a) 100000                               (b) 1000

(c) 10000                                 (d) 100

96. What is the extension of Paint?

(a) .bmp                                   (b) .ods

(c) .ppt                                      (d) .pmp

97.Full name of DPI.

(a) Dot Per Instructions          (b) Dot Per Inch

(c) Deep information               (d) None

98. Choose the correct base of Octal number.

(a) 7                                           (b) 6

(c) 9                                            (d) None

99. MS Excel have how many alignment?

(a) 3                                             (b)4

(c) 6                                             (d)None

100.MS Word have how many alignment?

(a)4                                           (b) 6

(c)3                                            (d) None

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